« on: Yesterday at 03:34:28 AM »
A business executive was deep in debt and could see no way out.
Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy.
Suddenly, an old man appeared before him. "I can see that something is troubling you," he said. After listening to the executive's woes, the old man said, "I believe I can help you."
He asked the man his name, wrote out a check, and pushed it into his hand saying, "Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time."
Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come.
The business executive saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world!
"I can erase my money worries in an instant!" he realized. But instead, the executive decided to put the uncashed check in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought.
With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.
Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the uncashed check. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man.
"I'm so glad I caught him!" she cried. "I hope he hasn't been bothering you. He's always escaping from the rest home and telling people he's John D. Rockefeller."
And she led the old man away by the arm.
The astonished executive just stood there, stunned.
All year long he'd been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars behind him.
Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.
Aku Tidak Sedang Menekanmu
Besok sorenya, saya mendapati manajer Bank Pertanian Wilayah Chittagong sedang menunggu di ruang tamu saya. Dia terlihat sangat gugup. Saya beritahu dia apa yang terjadi sehari sebelumnya dan betapa antusiasnya Anisuzzaman mendukung pekerjaan yang saya lakukan di Jobra bersama mahasiswa saya. Sang manajer menjelaskan bahwa saya perlu menulis proposal proyek. Dia akan membawa beberapa rekannya ke rumah untuk menyusun permohonan pembiayaan secara tertulis dan formal.
Senin berikutnya, lima orang muncul di rumah saya. Mereka menanyai saya sejuta pertanyaan yang tidak pernah saya pikirkan sebelumnya. Berapa banyak peminjam yang saya inginkan? Berapa banyak pegawai? Berapa tingkat upah yang akan saya tawarkan? Berapa banyak brankas yang saya perlukan? Saya jawab pertanyaan-pertanya an itu sebisa mungkin. Beberapa minggu kemudian, saya menerima surat dalam sebuah amplop besar. Itu adalah sebuah proposal yang panjang, berbelit-belit, tebalnya sebuku dan penuh dengan jargon birokratis, yang didasarkan pada pembicaraan saya kepada mereka mengenai yang ingin saya lakukan. Tidak ada isi nya. Saya ambil pena dan tuliskan gagasan awal saya dengan kata-kata saya sendiri. Proposal saya langsung ke pokok masalahnya. Hal pertama yang saya ubah adalah nama cabang. Saya tuliskan:
Krishi Bank memakai istilah “pertanian” dalam namanya. Saya tidak ingin cabang ini hanya mengurusi pertanian. Petani bukanlah warga termiskin di Bangladesh. Sebaliknya, mereka yang memiliki lahan pertanian relatif lebih sejahtera dibandingkan mereka yang tidak memiliki lahan, yang hidup dengan menjual tenaganya. Saya ingin cabang ini melayani seluruh sektor di pedesaan, seperti perdagangan, usaha kecil, eceran, bahkan berjualan dari pintu ke pintu. Saya ingin menjadikan ini sebuah bank desa, yang tidak hanya mengurusi panenan dan pertanian. Jadi saya pilih kata Grameen.
Grameen berasal dan kata gram atau “desa.” Bentuk ajektifnya grameen berarti “pedesaan”, atau “berasal dari desa.”
Beberapa bulan berlalu sampai saya mendengar kabar dari Anisuzzaman. Dia mengundang saya ke kantornya di Dhaka. Setelah saya duduk, dia menyulut sebatang rokok dan mengamati saya dengan seksama.
“Dewan direksi kami menyatakan aku tidak punya otoritas untuk melakukan apa yang coba kukerjakan ini,” katanya. “Aku tidak bisa mendelegasikan otoritas perbankanku kepadamu karena kau orang luar, bukan pegawai bank ini.” Anisuzzaman jeda sejenak untuk menyusun pertanyaannya. “Yunus, apa kau sungguh-sungguh ingin membuka cabang baru bank kami?”
“Tidak, sama sekali tidak. Aku cuma ingin meminjamkan uang pada kaum miskin,” jawab saya.
“Kau tetap ingin jadi dosen?”
“Ya, mengajar adalah satu-satunya hal yang aku tahu pasti cara mengerjakannya. Ini kecintaanku.”
“Aku tidak sedang menekanmu. Aku cuma mengatakan apa yang sedang kupikirkan.” Anisuzzaman menyandarkan kepalanya dan menghembuskan asap rokoknya ke atas. “Kau bisa berhenti dari kampus dan menjadi pegawai bank kami. Itu akan mempermudahku menjadikanmu sebagai deputi. Selanjutnya, aku bisa mendelegasikan setiap kewenanganku padamu tanpa kuatir timbul protes dari dewan direksi.”
“Terima kasih, tetapi aku sungguh-sungguh tidak berminat menjadi seorang bankir,” jawab saya. “Aku tetap ingin menjadi dosen. Ada fakultas yang perlu kukelola, mahasiswa dan dosen-dosen yang perlu kuawasi, serta politik kampus yang perlu kuhadapi. Aku melakukan pekerjaan pengentasan kemiskinan ini dengan tangan kiriku, begitulah. Paling jauh, aku bisa menunjuk seorang mahasiswa untuk menjadi manajer cabang bankmu.”
Anisuzzaman menatap keluar jendela kantornya, membiarkan asap rokoknya melingkar-lingkar. Saya bisa melihat otaknya sedang mengutak-atik bermacam-macam gagasan. “Bagaimana jika aku tidak menjadikanmu bertanggungjawab atas cabang itu di atas kertas. Resminya, manajer distrik akan mengawasi cabang ini tetapi secara informal dia akan melakukan segala sesuatu yang kau perintahkan. Dan jika ada sesuatu yang sangat tidak lazim, dia akan datang ke kantor pusat, dan aku akan menyetujuinya. Kau harus menyerahkan daftar mahasiswa yang sekarang bekerja untukmu di Jobra. Salah satu dari mereka bisa menjadi manajer cabang dan yang lainnya bisa menjadi pegawai biasa di bank ini.”
Saya tersenyum membayangkan kolega saya — Assad, Nur jahan, dan Jannat—akhirnya akan memiliki pekerjaan bergaji tetap untuk pertama kali sepanjang hidupnya. “Aku akan menyebutnya Cabang Grameen,” ujar saya.
Anisuzzaman mengangguk, “Bank Pertanian Cabang Percontohan Grameen. Bagaimana kedengarannya?”
Kami berdua tersenyum saat itu. Dia berdiri. Kami berdiri di samping jendela. Di luar, hiruk-pikuk kota mengalir. Saya menyaksikan pengemis tanpa alas kaki dengan bayinya, perempuan tertidur di sisi jalan, serta anak-anak dengan tungkai cacat dan tubuh kurus.
“Kaum miskin kota adalah masalah lain,” ujar Anisuzzaman menghela nafas panjang keras-keras.
“Jika kita mengentaskan kemiskinan di desa, itu akan mengurangi tekanan pada kaum miskin untuk berduyun-duyun ke Dhaka dan memadati jalanan,” kata saya.
Dia mengangguk perlahan. “Semoga berhasil, Profesor.”
The Law of Vibration and Attraction - Part 1
"The Law of Attraction" is the underlying principle which governs the level of your personal prosperity. However, to help you achieve a really solid grasp of this concept, it will be necessary for us to focus briefly on another law; namely, the "Law of Vibration."
The Law of Vibration accounts for the difference between mind and matter; between the physical and the nonphysical worlds.
According to the Law of Vibration, we postulate that everything vibrates or moves; nothing sits idle. Everything is in a constant state of motion, and therefore, there is no such thing as "inertia", or a state of rest. From the most ethereal, to the most gross form of matter, everything is in a constant state of vibration.
Moving from the lowest to the highest degree of vibration, we discover there are literally millions upon millions of intervening levels or degrees; from the electron to the universe, everything is in vibratory motion. (Energy is manifested in all the varying degrees of vibration.)
"Rates of vibration" are called "frequencies," and the higher the frequency, the more potent the force. Since thought is one of the highest forms of vibration, it is very potent in nature and therefore, it must be understood by all of us.
Now, the Law of Vibration may be explained in many different ways, depending upon the purpose for which it is being explained. In this chapter, however, it is our intention to confine our inquiry to thoughts alone, so we may thereby improve our understanding of the Law of Attraction.
To vibrate means: "to move backwards and forwards, to oscillate, to shake, to quiver, to swing, to waver, to cause to quiver."
To obtain a more graphic conceptualization of the idea of Vibration, just stretch out one of your arms straight in front of you. Then hold it perfectly still. While you are holding it still and are unable to perceive any motion in that arm at all, know that the electrons which compose the arm, are moving, shaking, quivering, or vibrating, at the rate of 186,300 miles per second.
The arm appears still to you, but in reality it is in a constant state of motion. Of course, although such motion is imperceptible to the naked eye, under a high-powered microscope it would become very apparent, indeed.
Now, begin to shake your arm. You, yourself, are now causing the arm to vibrate. It was already vibrating of its own accord, in obedience to the Law of Vibration (which teaches that everything is in constant motion). But you have stepped up, or increased, the rate of that vibration. You have pushed down on the vibratory accelerator pedal, as it were.
Positive And Negative Personalities
"The mind in itself and in its own place can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven out of hell."
- John Milton
People, as a rule, can be classified as positive personalities (optimists) or negative personalities (pessimists) .
Those individuals who are positive in their thoughts always tend to look upon the brighter side of life. With their faces turned toward the sunshine, they attempt to see the good, even in the bad. Such individuals habitually think thoughts of a positive nature and they are a blessing to the world. They are in a "Positive Vibration," and therefore attract other positive personalities to them.
Negative personalities, on the other hand, habitually look upon the dark, gloomy, and depressing side of life. Even the good holds some bad for them. They dwell on the bad and the negative. They think about it, anticipate it, expect it, and invariably they receive what they have been seeking. Due to the negative vibration which they keep themselves in, they of course attract other miserable personalities to them. As you are already aware, "misery loves company."
Their state of mind can be compared to the person who, upon being asked how he felt, said,
"I feel alright today, but I might feel bad tomorrow."
Negative personalities are depressing to everyone around them. Their faces take on the expression, in physical form, of the negative thoughts which they are holding in their minds. Each day, one can observe such individuals passing on the street. No cheer, no joy radiates from them-just gloom, frowns and hostility. Having created their own hell for themselves, they seem to enjoy wallowing in it.
The law of Polarity and Relativity states that for every positive there is an equal and opposite negative. Therefore, both of these personality types are necessary, so you can develop the awareness to distinguish one from the other, and in that manner, choose the one which will advance you in life.
You do have Free Will. You can choose which of these two personality types you wish to adopt. Therefore, if a person is constantly negative, but tires of that state, the person may, through awareness and proper effort, change himself into a positive personality type of individual.
Understand this-The Law of Vibration will give people the awareness they require, to make the personality changes they desire.
The Brain - The Body
The human body, believe it or not, is one of the most efficient electrical instruments in this entire universe. The human brain, similarly, is probably the most efficient electrical instrument ever created. Both are truly marvels.
The brain is the part of the body where all manner of frequencies are transformed from one frequency level into another. In the brain, for example, sensations are transformed into muscular action. Sound, heat, light and thought are also, each in their turn, transformed into other frequencies, each affecting the body.
Within the brain there are centers which control and regulate the functioning of all organs and parts of the body. By means of the proper stimulation of these centers, the functioning of the organs may thereby be controlled. In our seminars, we refer to this phenomenon as the vibratory control of the body.
In the final analysis, the brain is simply a vibratory instrument. To begin to understand its functioning you must undertake the study of the Law of Vibration.
Since the early 1940's, we have had at our disposal the EEG (electroencephalogr aph), which reads the electrical activity of the brain, and the ECG (electrocardiograph ), which traces the electrical changes which occur during heart contractions.
Therefore, vibrations are certainly not something which are new to us. Indeed, all of us have an awareness of them. However, the problem which we encounter is that the vast majority of people are not aware of the connection between their vibrations and their results in life.
It is, unfortunately, a very common sight to see people in bad or confused vibrations, busily attempting-through force-to achieve good results. However, due to the negative vibration which they are in, they are continually being bombarded by all manner of negative people and situations, which by law, are being attracted to them. Consequently, at some point, their battle must become overwhelming for them.
These people may be likened to a person who is jumping off the top of a building, and trying to go up, at one and the same time. The result, in either case, would be equally predictable and equally disastrous.
Everything Is Energy, Everything Vibrates
For you to gain a better awareness of how you are to take control over your results (i.e. to better understand how and why the thoughts and things come into your life as they do), you must go back to the basic premise with which we started: namely, everything vibrates and nothing stands still. There is, in truth, no such thing as inertia. Scientists today support this thesis and every new scientific discovery tends to lend even more credibility to it.
However, by virtue of your Free Will and the many other mental factors in your marvelous mind, you have the Co-Creative ability to cause vibratory changes to take place at your bidding in your life. The cause for our lack of ability to exercise this tremendous power for good is nothing other than our own ignorance about the Law of Vibration.
Let There Be Light-Your Connecting Link
Slowly but surely, let us see with our inner eye of understanding, how you may "connect" with the good that you desire, to improve the quality of your own life.
Two objects whose electromagnetic fields are the same are operating on the same frequency. Therefore, we can say they are in resonance, in harmony, or in rapport. When two objects are in resonance or vibrating at the same speed, the vibratory rate may be transmitted from one to the other through the medium of the electron. ("Resonance" as a field of study, is concerned with the electromagnetic fields surrounding objects.)
For example, we find a globe in a chandelier will vibrate when in resonance with a certain key on a piano; yet it will not vibrate to any other note on the piano keyboard.
The two objects under discussion are composed of entirely different material and they have completely different shapes. Still, they are in resonance with one another, due to the fact their ultimate magnetic fields are the same. They are within the same sphere of relative motion, and this holds true, irrespective of their size, shape, or the elements of which they are composed.
All electromagnetic waves, or quantums, have their own particular rate or frequency, which corresponds to the number of changes in direction they make per second. The electromagnetic wave spectrum is simply a "Scale of Vibration," and it is subdivided into specific regions.
Nevertheless, one must always remember these regions are not actual divisions, but merely arbitrary spaces covering frequencies that manifest in our senses in different ways. Each region actually "blends" into the one above and the one below, and in truth, there are no definite lines of demarcation.
Everything Is An Expression Of The Same Thing
Everything in this entire universe is connected to everything else in this entire universe, through the Law of Vibration. Just as the colors in a rainbow are connected in such a way that you are not able to tell where one color stops and the other begins, so too are you unable to distinguish where one "thing" starts and another one stops. Everything in this universe is connected to everything else in this universe, just as the water that boils is connected to the steam into which it transmutes, and the steam is connected to the ether or air into which it changes.
You too are connected to everything in the universe. Whether you can see it with the naked eye or not is unimportant. The only physical difference which exists between one thing and another, relates to the density or the amplitude of their vibration.
Therefore, as soon as you choose certain thoughts, your brain cells are affected. These cells vibrate and send off electromagnetic waves. When you concentrate on those thoughts, you increase the amplitude of vibration of those cells, and the electric waves, in turn, become much more potent.
Know that it is you who is originating those electric waves and know that you are also determining the density of them by your own free will. You must also know, since you are originating these electric waves, your whole being is being put in that particular vibration.
We have already covered the point that two objects may be of entirely different material and shape, and yet still be in Resonance. This is due to the fact their ultimate magnetic fields are the same, because they are within the same sphere of relative motion. (Keep in mind that resonance is the factor governing the transmutation of vibrations.)
When you hold the image of your goal on the screen of your mind, in the present tense, you are vibrating in harmony (in resonance) with every particle of energy necessary for the manifestation of your image on the physical plane. By holding that image, those particles of energy are moving toward you (attraction) and you are moving toward them-because that is the law.
All things are merely manifestations of energy or Spirit.
When the world comes to understand this great truth, we will be aware that all people are the same; they only appear to be different. The true dividing lines for mankind are not borders, color or language, but simply ignorance and its polar opposite, understanding.
Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free.
Excerpted from You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor.
The Law of Vibration and Attraction - Part 2
For more Bob Proctor articles and resources, click here.
For 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his entire agenda around helping people create lush lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness. Bob Proctor knows how to help you because he comes from a life of want and limitation himself. In 1960, he was a high-school dropout with a resume of dead-end jobs and a future clouded in debt. One book was placed in his hands - Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich - which planted the seed of hope in Bob's mind. In just months, and with further support from the works of Earl Nightingale, Bob's life literally spun on a dime. In a year, he was making more than $100,000, and soon topped the $1 million mark. Bob Proctor now travels the globe, teaching thousands of people how to believe in and act upon the greatness of their own minds.
Meaning of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P
"F" is for Fun............That friends share when they are together.
"R" is for Reliability....A true friend is someone that you can always rely on.
"I" is for Interest.......Someone who is genuinely interested in you, your fears,
joys, and life.
"E" is for Energy.........They pick you up when you are down, and give you the energy to
go on and believe in yourself.
"N" is for Nothing........Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time it is, night or
"D" is for Distance.......Although the miles may separate you, a true friend is never far
"S" is for Secrets......Your feelings and personal/private thoughts that you can only share
with a friend.
"H" is for Happiness......The way one feels when they are with a friend.
"I" is for Inseparable....Through good times and bad, tears and laughter. A friend will
always be there for you.
"P" is for Perfect....The friendship..
'Liarnya' Pacar Cristiano Ronaldo
Jakarta - Kabar bahwa Cristiano Ronaldo tengah mengencani Nereida Gallardo mungkin sudah banyak yang tahu. Tapi siapa kira kalau aksi Nereida di ranjang sedemikian "liar".
Kisah sepak terjang Nereida tersebut keluar dari mulut mantan kekasih gadis asal Spanyol itu, Pedro Campane. "Dia seperti binatang liar di ranjang. Kami tidur bersama pada malam pertama kami bertemu. Tak sulit membujuknya," tutur Pedro seperti dilansir The Sun, Senin (26/5/2008).
"Dia tak ada problem sama sekali. Dia suka melakukan semuanya dalam berbagai posisi. Nereida tak terlalu mengetahui tentang sepakbola tapi dia tahu banyak hal tentang pria dan bagaimana memuaskan mereka. Cristiano pasti sedang mengalami waktu luar biasa," imbuh dia.
Itu bukanlah kata-kata kosong karena Pedro memang pernah mengalami langsung apa yang kini tengah dirasakan Ronaldo. Usai pria 40 tahun itu mulai berkenalan dengan Nereida pada bulan Mei 2006 lalu di Majorca, berbagai "petualangan" pun telah dilakukan.
"Saya diperkenalkan dengannya pada sebuah pesta dan kami segera menjadi lebih daripada teman. Dia (saat itu) 22 tahun, sangat seksi, dan saya tak mau membuang waktu. Menaklukkannya sangat mudah. Dia suka berpesta dan uang dan saya bisa memberi keduanya," kenang pria yang berprofesi sebagai agen pemain sepakbola tersebut.
Dia melanjutkan bagaimana mereka berdua lantas sering menyambangi berbagai pesta di klub malam-malam prestisius. Hal ini dinikmati benar oleh Nereida yang memang sangat menyukai berada di tengah pusat perhatian. Bahkan jika itu berarti harus "berbugil-ria".
"Dia tak pernah malu-malu. Dia suka kalau orang melihatnya telanjang. Itu membuatnya senang. Suatu hari saya melihatnya membeli lingerie tapi saya bilang ingin ada di sana untuk melihat dia memakainya. Dia tak tampak terkejut. Dia benar-benar melakukannya."
"Juga ada orang-orang lain yang melihat di butik tersebut, tapi itu tak mengganggunya sama sekali. Dia membuka busana tanpa berpikir dua kali. Dia bahkan tidak menutup tirai kamar ganti. Dia tahu kalau punya tubuh seksi dan tak peduli kalau ditonton orang," beber Pedro.
Mereka sendiri akhirnya berpisah usai dua bulan bersama. Putusnya hubungan tersebut diklaim Pedro karena dirinya sudah bosan. "Menyenangkan bisa bersama gadis cantik yang bisa sewaktu-waktu Anda ajak tidur. Tapi ada saatnya Anda merasa bosan atas sesuatu yang hanya didasarkan kepada seks dan uang dan Anda harus terus maju. Itu yang terjadi pada saya."
Buat Nereida, tak ada waktu untuk bersedih dan menekuri diri yang sedang jomblo. Putus dari Pedro, dia pun langsung mengencani sejumlah pemain sepakbola Spanyol, penyanyi dan beberapa pebisnis. "Dia tak berlama-lama dan siapa yang bisa menyalahkannya? Dia cantik dan dia seorang gadis yang terburu-buru," komentar sang mantan pacar.
Kini, Nereida akhirnya berpacaran dengan bintang Manchester United dan Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo. Berbagai macam hadiah mahal telah didapatkannya dari sang kekasih yang adalah pesepakbola dengan gaji selangit tersebut.
"Saya tak pernah menyangka Nereida akan bisa sejauh ini. Dia memang punya pengalaman dengan pemain sepakbola, tapi saya tak pernah berpikir dia bisa menaklukkan pemain top seperti Ronaldo. Dia berkencan dengan saya hanya karena tahu saya punya uang, bukan karena dia jatuh cinta kepada saya atau yang semacam itu. Tapi saya jelas punya kenangan indah. Ronaldo sangat beruntung," pungkas Pedro.
Torres: Ronaldo Tepat untuk Madrid
Liverpool - Fernando Torres ikut angkat bicara mengenai isu transfer Cristiano Ronaldo ke Real Madrid. Menurutnya, CR7 merupakan pemain yang tepat untuk Los Blancos.
Baik Ronaldo ataupun Torres, keduanya merupakan pemain paling subur di kompetisi Premier League musim 2007/08. Jika Ronaldo mencatatkan diri sebagai top skorer dengan torehan 31 gol maka Torres berada satu peringkat di bawahnya dengan raihan 24 gol.
Tentu bukan karena ingin menyingkirkan saingan dalam urusan banyak-banyakan mencetak gol jika akhirnya striker Liverpool itu menyarankan Madrid untuk membeli Ronaldo. El Nino hanya menyatakan bahwa winger asal Portugal itu akan menjadi pemain yang tepat untuk didatangkan ke Santiago Bernabeu.
"Jika Real Madrid mendatangkannya, maka itu adalah keputusan yang tepat. Semua orang mengatakan ia akan dibeli dengan harga tinggi, namun saya tak berhak untuk menilainya," tukasnya sepserti dilansir Goal.
Los Merengues memang berencana menjadikan Ronaldo sebagai pemain termahal di dunia. Marca menyebut Madrid sudah menyiapkan dana transfer 80 juta euro (Rp 1,1 triliun) buat MU dan Ronaldo akan dikontrak lima musim dengan bayaran 9,5 juta euro per tahun.
Valverde Tinggalkan Espanyol
Barcelona - Dua musim menangani Espanyol, Ernesto Valverde akhirnya meletakkan jabatan pelatih. Besarnya tekanan dari publik Catalan menjadi alasan utama dirinya mengundurkan diri.
"Ada dua musim yang luar biasa di tim ini, namun suasana di sekeliling tim ini bukan yang terbaik dan keputusan ini menjadi yang terbaik untuk saya dan pihak klub," ungkap Valverde yang sebenarnya masih terikat kontrak untuk satu musim lagi, seperti diwartakan Reuters, Selasa (27/5/2008).
Keputusan Valverde ini sedikit mengejutkan beberapa pihak, mengingat pencapaiannya yang cukup apik selama menangani tim medioker, Espanyol. Di tahun pertamanya menjabat sebagai entrenador, ia berhasil mengantar tim ke final Piala UEFA sebelum kalah dari Sevilla lewat drama adu penalti.
Di musim ini, Valverde juga sempat membawa timnya cukup disegani di awal hingga pertengahan musim. Espanyol hanya menorehkan tiga kekalahan dari 19 laga dan menempati zona Champions. Sayangnya torehan apik itu tidak berlanjut di putaran kedua setelah membukukan 13 kekalahan, yang membuat Espanyol terdampar di posisi 12 dan akhirnya memantik reaksi dari kalangan suporter garis keras yang menuntutnya mundur.
"Ia telah mengambil keputusan. Ia belum memiliki tim lain dan kami juga belum berbicara dengan siapapun mengenai pengganti dirinya. Ketika seseorang merasa tugasnya telah berakhir, maka kami harus menghormatinya," tandas presiden Espanyol Daniel Sanchez Llibre.
Giggs Dipersilakan Tinggal Selamanya
Manchester - Manchester United termasuk salah satu klub yang kerap menampung para mantan pemainnya, entah untuk jadi pelatih atau jabatan lain. Untuk Ryan Giggs, tawaran serupa pun disodorkan.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer adalah nama mantan punggawa MU yang kini beralih peran jadi seorang pelatih. Mundur ke belakang, Bryan Robson juga diangkat sebagai pelatih sebelum akhirnya menjadi manajer di klub lain.
Langkah serupa ingin diterapkan oleh Sir Alex Ferguson, manajer MU, untuk Giggs. Fergie ingin Giggs menjalani peran tertentu bila nantinya ia sudah pensiun mengolah si kulit bundar di lapangan hijau.
Meski demikian, tampaknya peran lanjutan di luar lapangan masih akan cukup lama dilakoni Giggs. Walau sudah berusia 34 tahun, Fergie meyakini bahwa pemain asal Wales itu masih sanggup bermain hingga empat tahun ke depan.
"Ryan bisa bermain hingga usia 38 tahun, dan pastinya itu akan ia lakukan di sini. Saya pikir ia akan berada di MU untuk waktu yang lama," ungkap Fergie seperti dilansir oleh Goal.
"Dia sedang mengambil kursus kepelatihan dan kami senang bahwa para mantan pemain kami tetap menjadi bagian dari klub. Seperti juga Solskjaer dan Robson, yang kini menjadi 'Duta Besar' bagi klub," imbuh pria Skotlandia tersebut.
Bila seusai pensiun nanti Giggs tetap bertahan di MU, entah sebagai pelatih atau jabatan lainnya, maka itu sama saja dengan mempersilakan dirinya tinggal selamanya. Giggs sendiri sudah menjadi bagian dari The Red Devils sejak berusia 14 tahun.
Tentang mempertahankan para mantan pemain, Fergie mengakui bahwa ia mengekor hal serupa dari klub-klub besar Eropa lain.
"Model dari skema ini adalah Bayern Munich. Saya sudah sering bilang bahwa eks pemain kami, yang sudah berjasa bagi MU, harus selalu diikutsertakan di masa depan," kata Fergie. "Saya yakin Ryan akan jadi bagian dari itu."
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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