Friday, May 16, 2008

India's success isn't shared by most

By Amelia Gentleman
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

NEW DELHI: There is a kind woman who parks her car near my gate once a day to distribute parcels of rice, neatly wrapped in newspaper, to the wild and possibly rabid dogs who roam the quiet street in this rich part of central Delhi. She caresses them and addresses them by name. One mangy yellow, malevolent animal she calls Bruno.

It is an act of generosity that I still find confusing. Around the corner, sitting by the traffic lights, is a family of four, which receives no rice parcels. The mother, Sayari, is bony thin, and the children's matted hair has a dull orange tint, a sign of the malnutrition affecting nearly half of all under-fives in India.

Sayari, who goes by only one name, has spent most of her life selling flowers (bracelets made of jasmine, bunches of wilting roses) at this junction. Unable to make a living in his Rajasthan village, where there was neither work nor water, her father brought her here when she was a baby, about 25 years ago.

Surviving in the capital has not been much easier. Three years ago she showed me the hole in the roadside tree where she hid a small plastic bag of lentils and a couple of onions from quick-fingered fellow street hawkers, and the scorched bricks by the pavement where she cooked her food. The quality of the evening meal she makes her husband and two sons depends on the quantity of flowers they sell, never more than about 150 rupees (under $4) worth. The amount the family eats has shrunk in recent months as rising food prices threaten to plunge her family ever deeper into poverty.

From her pavement spot, at about car wheel level, she has observed the rapid transformation of the city around her. As the country's economy surges forward, everything is changing for the rich people she watches driving by in SUVs with tinted glass. For the poor, life seems very much the same. Delhi remains a place where the underclasses, she feels, get a rougher deal than the city's stray dogs.

To the left of the traffic island, the capital's new metro is being extended. Cranes and diggers are pulling out the innards of the road, wheezing out gritty dust. The ever-thicker traffic is choked by the construction, but the Delhi network remains the emblem of everything that is good about modern India: a sleek and efficient piece of infrastructure, built on deadline without corruption. Sayari has never been on the metro, where tickets start at six rupees.

To the right is Khan market, which is rapidly morphing from a rundown collection of local convenience stores and cheap Indian cafés into an elite shopping arcade, supplying Parisian lingerie, Swarovski crystal, flat-screen TVs and $20,000 necklaces to the capital's rich.

Nearby, in a newly built white stucco mansion, lives one of India's most prominent billionaires, Sunil Bharti Mittal, chairman of the telecommunications company Airtel, made fabulously rich by the explosion in demand for mobile phones (more than seven million are sold here every month). Occasionally there are parties in the gardens of his mansion, lotus flowers floating on the shimmering, candlelit swimming pool, imported champagne served to his guests, the CEOs and entrepreneurs who have transformed India's economy over the last decade.

His home is only a few seconds' walk from Sayari's stretch of pavement, but Delhi is a city where the rich walk nowhere. Their paths are unlikely to have crossed.

Reporting from India presents a recurring dilemma, as these parallel images of a thriving and failing country compete for attention. Should the focus be on the extraordinary shift forward, or on the people who are left behind?

Read the Indian newspapers and you learn little about the struggling majority. Instead they dwell on India's newly enhanced international standing, its developing friendship with the United States, on the opportunities created by three years of 8 percent growth and on the continuing economic transformation, which may or may not catapult India to a position rivaling that of China. The stories of ailing health care, no-hope government schools, illiteracy, hunger are too depressing and too familiar to compete with the palpable optimism that reigns in the cities.

India has always been - in that well-worn phrase - a country of extremes, a nation of monumental poverty, with a tiny rich elite. After 16 years of reforms, the band of dollar billionaires has grown (India has 53, more than any other nation in Asia, and more than 100,000 millionaires) . The middle class has expanded to somewhere around 200 million or 250 million people, but the majority remain either poor or very poor, with 700 million living on less than $2 a day. Poverty has decreased since reforms began, but slowly, dropping from about a third of the population who were estimated to be living on less than $1 a day in 1991, to around a quarter of the nation today.

If the extremes have always been present, the gulf between the two Indias is growing visibly wider. Inclusive growth remains an aspiration that the government acknowledges it has yet to achieve. It is unclear whether an economic model in which two-thirds of the population do not yet share in many of the benefits of growth is sustainable. Organizations like Unicef warn that India cannot claim to be an international player with such high levels of malnutrition, and political scientists predict that the Maoist Naxalite violence simmering in the countryside will spread if inequalities are not addressed.

Sayari does not feel any trickle-down effect from the new wealth splashing around the capital. She sees the outward signs of affluence, in the abundance of ever-more expensive cars on the road, whose occupants are rarely generous. But life for her family is becoming harder.

Her shack home (which has no water and no electricity) has twice been destroyed by city authorities, who are working to remove these unwanted symbols of India's enduring poverty

"The poor are being driven from Delhi; we are not wanted here. The government does nothing for us," she says. The cost of buying flowers at the market has gone up, but people will not pay more at the traffic lights, so her profits have shrunk. She can afford to send only one of two sons to school.

Amid the rising wealth of New Delhi, the hungry figures at the traffic lights - refugees from the harsh, impoverished conditions of the countryside - are an uneasy reminder of India's excluded millions. Tap-tapping their fingernails on the window glass, they provide a sharp pinprick to the bubble of exuberance.

Psst.. Ini Dia Bocoran Siklus Gairah Wanita!
Puteri Fatia - detikhot

Jakarta Pasangan malas diajak bercinta atau malah tiba-tiba selalu bergairah? Jangan bingung. Temukan waktu yang tepat untuk bermesraan dengan mengetahui siklus gairah wanita.

Gairah seksual wanita pastinya dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan dan siklus hormon bulanan. Agar tak salah sangka kenapa si dia tiba-tiba berubah murung atau malah sangat menggoda, dilansir dari Femalefirst, Rabu (7/5/2008), ini dia jawabannya.

Hari 1 sampai 7

Hari pertama dihitung dari hari pertama wanita menstruasi wanita di bulan tersebut. Pada masa ini, gairah seksual sangat menurun. Hormon estrogen berada di tingkat yang sangat menjelang masa menstruasi.

Hari 8 sampai 14

Inilah momen seorang wanita merasa paling seksi dan mudah bergairah karena level estrogen mulai meningkat lagi. Ini adalah saat ketika tubuh merasa siap melepas telur-telur untuk reproduksi. Pada masa ini wanita berada di tahap paling subur.

Pada masa ini wanita-wanita biasanya merasa lebih seksi. Menurut penelitian terhadap beberapa pria, wanita terlihat lebih sensual dan menarik pada masa ini.

Hari 15 sampai 21

Hormon seksi estrogen mulai menurun. Hormon ovulasi biasanya sering terjadi sekitar hari ke-14 sehingga hasrat seks yang tinggi perlahan mulai berkurang.

Hari 21 Sampai 28

Hormon progesteron mulai menggantikan minggu ini. Para wanita mungkin tak menyadari kalau suaranya terdengar lebih berat dan seksi. Walau seksi secara suara, pada masa ini wanita mulai merasa beberapa gejala menjelang siklus haid berikutnya. Jangan heran kalau kekasih Anda lebih 'rewel' karena rasa mual dan mudah berganti mood sering dialami pada masa ini.

Rusuh, 11 Fans Rangers Ditangkap

Manchester - Sebanyak 11 suporter Glasgow Rangers diamankan kepolisian Manchester menyusul kerusuhan yang terjadi saat final Piala UEFA menghadapi Zenit St Petersburg.

Belum diketahui secara pasti apa yang menyulut suporter Glasgow Rangers melakukan tindakan anarki saat timnya ditaklukann Zenit dengan skor 0-2, Rabu (14/5/2008) waktu setempat. Namun percikan keributan ditengarai muncul sebelum laga dimulai saat sebuah layar raksasa yang sedianya akan menayangkan laga tersebut tak berfungsi karena mengalami kendala teknis.

Kesal dengan situasi tersebut beberapa fans kemudian mulai melakukan tindakan anarki dan melempari layar dengan berbagai benda keras. Petugas kepolisian yang berada di lokasi kemudian menjadi sasaran kemarahan fans yang sebagian besar adalah pendukung Rangers.

Diberitakan BBC, setidaknya 15 polisi mengalami luka akibat kejadian tersebut. Sementara seorang pendukung asal Rusia ditusuk di luar stadion, meski tak mengalami luka parah yang mengancam hidupnya.

Buntut dari insiden yang sangat tak diduga sebelumnya itu adalah ditahannya 11 orang suporter Rangers. Delapan orang dituduh melakukan tindakan kekerasan, satu orang dituduh melakukan penyerangan sementara dua lainnya dianggap mabuk di depan umum dan melempar benda keras.

"Saya mengutuk tindakan kekerasan yang disebabkan oleh sekelompok minoritas (suporter) ini. Merupakan sebuah hal yang memalukan menyaksikan orang-orang melakukan tindakan seperti itu," Perdana Menteri Inggris, Gordon Brown, menyatakan keprihatinannya.

Diperkirakan sebanyak 100.000 hingga 150.000 fans Rangers datang ke Kota Manchester untuk menyaksikan timnya bertanding. Sayang kedatangan mereka kemudian berbutut aksi kekerasan yang mengundang kecaman dari banyak pihak.

Meski terjadi kerusuhan, UEFA sepertinya tak akan menjatuhkan sanksi pada pihak City of Manchester Stadium maupun kedua klub. Otoritas sepakbola tertinggi di Eropa itu bahkan melontarkan pujian karena menganggap panitia telah melakukan antisipasi dengan sangat baik mengingat suporter yang datang berjumlah sangat besar.

"Kedua pemerintah (Rangers dan Saint Petersburg) serta kepolisian Manchester telah melakukan pekerjaan yang fantastis mengingat mereka harus berhadapan dengan lebih dari 100.000 fans yang datang dari skotlandia. Saya tak yakin kota lain mampu melakukan hal yang lebih baik lagi," ungkap Direktur Komunikasi UEFA, William Gaillard.

Kamis (15/5/2008) waktu setempat pihak kepolisian Inggris merilis rekaman kamera CCTV yang menampilkan 200 fans melakukan penyerangan terhadap petugas kepolisian. Dalam rekaman tersebut juga terlihat fans Glasgow menganiaya petugas polisi usai timnya dikalahkan Zenit.

Deco Boleh Pergi

Barcelona - Deco telah menjalani musim terakhirnya bersama Barcelona. Musim depan dia dipastikan tak lagi bermarkas di Camp Nou setelah Barca memperkenankannya angkat kaki.

"Kami akan melihat tawaran yang masuk yang punya nilai bagus buat klub dan saya pribadi," ungkap Deco dalam sebuah konferensi pers seperti diberitakan Yahoosport, Jumat (16/5/2008).

Deco yang datang ke Barcelona tahun 2004, sudah sejak beberapa bulan lalu mengisyaratkan keinginannya untuk hengkang. Buruknya performa Barca dan hubungan yang kurang harmonis dengan Frank Rijkaard menjadi alasan gelandang 30 tahun itu untuk mengakhiri kerjasamanya dengan Blaugrana.

Di mana gelandang internasional Portugal itu akan melanjutkan karirnya hingga kini masih tanda tanya. Yang bisa dipastikan adalah dia tak akan berkarir lagi di Spanyol, Seri A serta Premier League adalah kompetisi yang ditujunya musim depan.

"Saya akan pergi ke manapun saya mau dan buka ke klub yang Barca sarankan. Satu hal yang pasti adalah saya ingin terus berkompetisi di papan atas."

"Hampir bisa dipastikan saya akan pergi ke Italia atau Inggris. Saya tak akan bertahan di Spanyol karena klub dengan level setingkat Barca hanya Real Madrid dan saya tak akan mau ke Madrid," tegas pemain yang merintis karirnya di Liga Brasil bersama Corinthians itu.

Sejak dibeli dari FC Porto tahun 2004 lalu, Deco menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari skuad utama Barca. Termasuk saat mengantar klub Catalan itu merengkuh dua tropi La Liga Primera dan menjadi kampiun Liga Champions.

Musim ini kontribusi Deco terhitung minim karena cedera yang terus mengganggunya. Total cuma 25 kali, 14 di antaranya menjadi starter, dan hanya menyumbang satu gol plus enam assist. ( din / a2s )

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