Monday, May 26, 2008

Militer Diduga Jadi Hambatan

Molornya Pembahasan RUU Tipikor
JAKARTA - Molornya pembahasan RUU Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) diduga karena adanya tarik-ulur dengan kepentingan militer. Salah seorang hakim ad hoc pengadilan tipikor Prof Dr Surya Jaya menduga, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) ragu menegaskan komitmennya bahwa militer harus tunduk pada supremasi hukum sipil.

Sekelompok aktivis LSM dan hakim ad hoc tipikor yang bergabung dalam Konsorsium Reformasi Hukum Nasional (KHRN) menghadap Ketua MPR Hidayat Nurwahid kemarin (22/5). Mereka prihatin atas lambannya pembahasan RUU Pengadilan Tipikor oleh pemerintah dan DPR. "Saya salah satu yang pesimistis dengan pembahasan RUU Tipikor itu," ujar Surya.

Rasa pesimis yang diungkapkan hakim ad hoc di Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta tersebut cukup beralasan. Sebab, deadline pembahasan RUU Tipikor semakin dekat. Pada 19 Desember 2006, Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) mengabulkan judicial review terhadap UU KPK. Dalam putusannya, MK menilai pasal tentang pengadilan tipikor bertentangan dengan UUD 1945.

Karena itu, MK mengamanatkan agar pemerintah dan DPR menyiapkan UU tersendiri tentang pengadilan tipikor. Waktu yang diberikan tiga tahun. Artinya, kesempatan menyusun UU tersebut akan berakhir 19 Desember 2009.

"Yang dikhawatirkan, berbagai kesibukan anggota dewan menjelang dan pascapemilu legislatif serta pilpres bisa mengabaikan konsentrasi mereka," kata Ketua KHRN Firmansyah Arifin.

Pada pertengahan 2008 ini, partai politik akan sibuk menyusun daftar caleg sementara (DCS) dan akan ditingkatkan pada daftar caleg tetap (DCT) beberapa bulan berikutnya. Politisi yang masuk dalam DCT dan DCS akan berkonsentrasi pada daerah pemilihannya untuk bisa mengumpulkan suara sebanyak-banyaknya.

Surya Jaya juga menyatakan, keraguan presiden untuk menyerahkan draf RUU Pengadilan Tipikor terkait dengan desakan bahwa militer yang diduga melakukan korupsi bisa diadili di pengadilan tipikor. Masalah tersebut bertambah ketika RUU Peradilan Militer juga tak jelas juntrungannya. "Ini perlu komitmen dari presiden bahwa militer harus tunduk di bawah pengadilan sipil," tegasnya.

Namun, hal itu sulit diniscayakan karena Presiden SBY juga berlatar belakang militer. Seharusnya, kata Surya, presiden bisa mendasarkan pertimbangannya pada putusan MK tentang UU Pengadilan Tipikor. Dalam putusannya terhadap judicial review atas UU KPK, MK menyatakan bahwa pengadilan tipikor adalah satu-satunya pengadilan yang berhak mengadili kasus tindak pidana korupsi. "Kekhawatiran terbesar, ketika UU Tipikor disahkan, akan di-judicial review lagi karena UU Peradilan Militer belum ada," ujarnya.(cak/ mk)

"To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight - and never stop fighting."

E.E. Cummings
1894-1962, Poet

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."

Debbi Fields
Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies

"If you have a positive thought your body actually goes into a positive vibration, you actually attract everything that resonates with that vibration."

John Assaraf
Author of The Answer

How can I best serve humanity?

In my case by being a healer, a teacher, a friend, a lover and a father. I can serve by leading by example, by being genuine and authentic.

By being prepared to expose myself, to break down the persona, to peel back the layers and living the real truth of who I am.

By walking through this world with a quiet mind and open heart.

To live in the now, to face my perceived fears, to feel compassion, to see the divine in all of life.

To see the divine in all of humanity - no matter what the colour, race, sexuality, creed, age, or walk of life they may come from.

To look into the eyes of another human being, and look into the depths of their soul, to see the divine with in.

To talk with passion and not just speak, to listen without judgment and not just hear, to look with the eyes of wonderment and not just see.

To live from a place of truth, respect, forgiveness, acceptance, freedom, harmony, spiritual connection and love.

Blessings for a great day today!

Mark Coleman
Life Mastery (NZ) Limited


"How are you feeling?" asked my friendly neurosurgeon Dr. Alex Gol as I lay in my hospital bed in the rehab hospital at 3:30 P.M. after a torturous day in therapy. I could not yet utter a single word after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) at the age of 19. So I nodded as if to say, "OK." Dr. Gol then calmly replied, "That's nice," and quickly left the room with a smile.

As he was leaving I thought to myself, "Dr. peaceful." I tried to reposition myself in my bed as the door closed behind him in order to get more comfortable, but something was not "right" in the hospital hallway as I heard a great commotion coming from there. (True, I could not yet speak; however, nothing was wrong with my hearing and there was plenty of screaming coming from the hall.) I wondered, "What was the problem?"

I soon found out the cause of the chaos: it was sweet, serene and calm Dr. Gol who was causing it.


The nurses had never seen Dr. Gol act like that. In fact, they had never heard him raise his voice. They quickly got me out of bed and put me in my wheelchair until 9 P.M.

I was miserable. I wanted to get back into my comfortable bed - well, it was not so comfortable but it was much less uncomfortable than my wheelchair or any kind of chair, for that matter.

As I said, after therapy was over at 3 P.M. I wanted to get straight back in bed; however, throughout the following weeks and months the nurses did not want to face "the wrath of Dr. Gol." Therefore, after therapy I remained in my wheelchair in my room until I went to sleep. Being in the wheelchair for so long was agonizing!

I hated Dr. Gol after that eventful day when he asked me that seemingly simple question while I was trying to relax in bed. However, years later I loved him as I realized Dr. Gol was only doing what was in my best interest.

When I returned to college after being out for so long, my professors, after learning what had happened to me and realizing that I could no longer read as quickly as before I was hurt, were more than happy to say, "Mike, it's ok. Just read what you can and we'll test you on that material." However, one professor did not say that. Dr. Sheldon Ekland-Olson, a sociology professor, said, "Mike, I understand you have difficulty reading. I've had many students with many visual problems. For those students, I refer them to "Recording for the Blind." They have access to many textbooks on cassettes. Here's the phone number..."

I "hated" that statement as I wanted to take the "easy way out." (My feelings of "hate" were very similar to those I had for Dr. Gol on that eventful afternoon in the hospital.) However, I have since learned that the "easy way" is quite often the "wrong way."

Sometimes everyone needs a "push." Even I, recently, had to be reminded to push myself as I had gotten "lazy" at the gym. However, a "stranger" reminded me to use my right hand. Even though it was difficult, I thanked him for the reminder.

I have learned that the difficult things in life are often the sweet things in life. One cannot experience "beauty" without experiencing "bitterness." Remember, "push" yourself to "get through the thorns of the rose bush, to experience the beautiful flower of the rose."

Every time I think of some difficult thing in life, I close my eyes, see Dr. Gol, and smile.

Michael Segal

Shot in the head during a robbery, Michael Jordan Segal defied all odds by first surviving and then returning to college. He then earned two degrees with honors, married his high school sweetheart, Sharon, and became a father to their daughter Shawn. Mike is a social worker at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston and an author (currently he has two book projects he's working on: an autobiography and an anthology of his short stories). He also is a popular inspirational speaker sharing his recipe for recovery, happiness, and success. Please visit his site at:

"That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong."

William J.H. Boetcker
1873-1962, Religious Leader and Speaker

Van der Sar Pupus Luka dengan Jadi Juara

Jakarta - Angka 13 bukan angka sial buat kiper Manchester United Edwin van der Sar. Setelah 13 tahun berselang, Piala Liga Champions kini kembali bisa diangkatnya untuk kali kedua. Kesuksesan itu bahkan sekaligus memupus luka lama.

Stadion Ernst Happel, di kota Wina, 24 Mei 1995. Ajax Amsterdam ketika itu berhadapan dengan AC Milan di partai puncak Liga Champions musim 1994/95. Pertandingan berlangsung ketat, sampai akhirnya tiba menit 85.

Frank Rijkaard sukses melepaskan umpan buat Patrick Kluivert yang akhirnya mencetak satu-satunya gol dalam pertandingan tersebut dan membuat Ajax merengkuh gelar juara. Van der Sar yang kala itu belum genap 25 tahun ada dalam barisan pemenang.

Setahun berselang, musim 1995/96, Ajax kembali hadir di final Liga Champions. Kali ini Van der Sar keluar dengan muka tertunduk usai timnya kandas lewat adu penalti dari Juventus.

Stadion Luzhniki, di kota Moskow, 21 Mei 2008. Van der Sar kembali hadir di final Liga Champions, kali ini untuk mengawal gawang Manchester United. Sekali lagi dia dihadapkan dengan babak adu penalti.

Namun demikian, kali ini dia sukses memupus kegetiran 12 tahun lalu, sekaligus mengulangi kejayaan 13 tahun silam. Kiper asal Belanda itu bahkan jadi pahlawan "Setan Merah" dengan menggagalkan sepakan penalti penyerang Chelsea, Nicolas Anelka. Semakin lengkap kebahagiaan Van der Sar karena dia dinobatkan jadi Man of the Match.

"Tak terukur rasanya melakukan penyelamatan penalti terakhir. Menang di sini dengan menyelamatkan bola terakhir, saya tak punya kata-kata untuk menggambarkannya. Saya tahu dia (Anelka) hendak (menembak) ke mana. Saya merasakannya," tutur Van der Sar seperti dilansir Reuters.

"12 tahun lalu saya kalah di babak penalti dan kami sekarang menang. Itu tak bisa dipercaya. Kami pantas mendapatkannya. Itu luar biasa," imbuh dia.

Berkat kontribusi dari kiper yang kini berusia 37 tahun tersebut, musim ini MU mencatatkan kemenangan double dengan raihan di Liga Champions dan Liga Primer Inggris. Pujian pun dialamatkan oleh sang manajer Sir Alex Ferguson.

"Salah satu tugas tersulit adalah menggantikan Peter Schmeichel (mantan kiper MU) dan tiga tahun lalu kami melakukannya, dengan Edwin Anda bisa lihat peningkatan dalam pertahanan kami. Kredit luar biasa buat dia. Ketika menyoal penalti terakhir, itu butuh pengalaman dan kesabaran. Anda harus menanti gerakan tipis itu. Selamat buat dia," lugas Fergie.

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