JAKARTA - Dalam waktu 2,5 tahun kekayaan mantan Menteri Hukum dan HAM Hamid Awaludin naik hampir dua kali lipat. Bila pada laporan 16 Desember 2004 kekayaannya hanya Rp890.113.293 ditambah USD 3.000, maka per Juni 2007 kekayaan menteri di era awal pemerintahan SBY ini naik hampir duakali lipatnya menjadi Rp1.569.263. 192 plus USD 3.000.
Menurut juru bicara KPK Johan Budi SP, Selasa (29/4), kondisi sebaliknya terjadi pada penghitungan mantan Jaksa Agung Abdul Rahman Saleh. Berdasarkan Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN), tertanggal 3 Oktober 2006 dan terakhir 13 Juni 2007, kekayaan menteri yang akrab dipanggil Arman ini tetap sama Rp1.440.139. 352.
Kekayaan Hamid naik tajam terutama dalam bentuk giro dan kas. Yang sebelumnya Rp40.113.293 kini menjadi Rp585.263.192. Nilai harta tak bergerak berupa tanah dan bangunan yang dipunya Hamid juga naik. Sebelumnya Rp550 juta menjadi Rp800 juta. Aset perolehan tahun 2000, berupa tanah dan bangunan di Jakarta Timur yang tadinya bernilai 250 juta menjadi 400 juta. Tanah/bangunan seluas 307 m2 dan 600 m2 di Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan yang merupakan perolehan tahun 1997 sampai 2002 kini bernilai Rp400 juta yang tadinya Rp300 juta.
Bila aset berupa tanah atau bangunan naik nilainya, mantan pejabat kelahiran Parepare tahun 1960 ini justru menjual mobil Toyota Altis keluaran 2003 senilai Rp175 juta. Sedangkan kekayaan Arman yang nilainya sama tersebut berupa tanah dan bangunan senilai Rp354.580.000, alat transportasi Rp240 juta, giro dan kas dengan nilai Rp969.479.352. Total kekayaan Arman sebelum dikurangi utang Rp200.000.000 adalah 1.640.139.352.
Johan menambahkan, pemeriksaan kekayaan kedua mantan menteri itu dilakukan secara uji petik. Di antaranya laporan masyarakat, analisa kekayaan dan penghasilan, serta analisa perbandingan. Untuk itu, KPK sangat mengharapkan partisipasi aktif masyarakat jika menemukan harta keduanya yang tak dilaporkan ke LHKPN. Dengan begitu bisa dilakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut. (jpnn)
Mothers Angel Heart
So Many gifts and memories
A Mother can leave ,
To A Daughter
Who loves Her so...
But none is ever more precious
Then the Heart of an Angel that glows.
What can I leave to My daughter
That will withstand the strains of time?
To Give Her the strength to face life's trials
That is something unique and divine.
She already is My Angel
Though No one else can see her wings...
So maybe if I leave her a piece of My heart
She will make such a difference to others lives,
The way she made a difference to me.
And She will be known as Angel Heart
To All whose lives she may touch...
A Small part of My Heart living on through Her
This Daughter I love so very much.
What more could a Mother want for
Then to look down from Heaven above...
And view the Heart of Her Angel
Who brings hope, and caring and love.
Yes, She will be known as Angel Heart
To All whose lives she may touch...
A Small part of My Heart living on through Her
This Daughter I love so very much.
The Great's .......Failures.........
To succeed in business or life we must continually take remedial actions. Putting yourself on the line day after day can be extremely draining, especially when things do not work out as desired. Hence, each time a disappointing event happens, I like to get reminded of these famous failures:
Bill Gates founder and chairman of Microsoft, has literally changed the work culture of the world in the 21st century, by simplifying the way computer is being used. He was the world's richest man for more than one decade. However, in the 1970's before starting out, he was a Harvard University dropout. The most ironic part is that, he started a software company (that was soon to become Microsoft) by purchasing the software technology from "someone" for only $US50 back then.
Abraham Lincoln received no more than 5 years of formal education throughout his lifetime. When he grew up, he joined politics and had 12 major failures before he was elected the 16th President of the United States of America.
Isaac Newton was the greatest English mathematician of his generation. His work on optics and gravitation made him one of the greatest scientists the world has even known. Many thought that Isaac was born a genius, but he wasn't! When he was young, he did very poorly in grade school, so poor that his teachers became clueless in improving his grades.
Ludwig van Beethoven, a German composer of classical music, is widely regarded as one of history's supreme composers. His reputation has inspired ? and in many cases intimidated ? composers, musicians and audiences who were to come after him. Before the start of his career, Beethoven's music teacher once said of him "as a composer, he is hopeless". And during his career, he lost his hearing yet he managed to produce great music ? a deaf man composing music, ironic isn't!
Thomas Edison who developed many devices that greatly influenced life in the 20th century. Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S patents to his name. When he was a boy his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything. When he set out on his own, he tried more than 9,000 experiments before he created the first successful light bulb.
The Woolworth Company was a retail company that was one of the original five-and-ten- cent stores. The first Woolworth's store was founded in 1878 by Frank Winfield Woolworth and soon grew to become one of the largest retail chains in the world in the 20th century. Before starting his own business, Woolworth got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21. But his employer would not let him serve any customer because he concluded that Frank "didn't have enough common sense to serve the customers".
By acclamation, Michael Jordon is the greatest basketball player of all time. A phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of grace, speed, power, artistry, improvisational ability and an unquenchable competitive desire. Jordan single-handedly redefined the NBA superstar. Before joining NBA, Jordan was just an ordinary person, so ordinary that was he was removed from the high school basketball team because of his "lack of skill".
Walter Disney was American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor and animator. One of the most well-known motion picture producers in the world, Disney founded a production company. The corporation, now known as The Walt Disney Company, makes average revenue of US $30 billion annually. Disney started his own business from his home garage and his very first cartoon production went bankrupt. During his first press conference, a newspaper editor ridiculed Walt Disney because he had no good ideas in film production.
Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade. However, that never stopped him to work harder! He strived and eventually became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Churchill is generally regarded as one of the most important leaders in Britain and world history. In a poll conducted by the BBC in 2002 to identify the "100 Greatest Britons", participants voted Churchill as the most important of all.
Steven Spielberg is an American film director. He has won 3 Academy Awards and ranks among the most successful filmmakers in history. Most of all, Steven was recognized as the financially most successful motion picture director of all time. During his childhood, Spielberg dropped out of junior high school. He was persuaded to come back and was placed in a learning-disabled class. He only lasted a month and then dropped out of school forever.
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist widely regarded as the most important scientist of the 20th century. He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect in 1905 and "for his services to Theoretical Physics". However, when Einstein was young, his parents thought he was mentally retarded. His grades in school were so poor that a teacher asked him to quit, saying, "Einstein, you will never amount to anything!"
In 1947, one year into her contract, Marilyn Monroe was dropped by 20th Century-Fox because her producer thought she was unattractive and could not act. That didn't deter her at all! She kept on going and eventually she was recognized by the public as the 20th century's most famous movie star, sex symbol and pop icon.
John Grisham's first novel was rejected by sixteen agents and twelve publishing houses. He went on writing and writing until he became best known as a novelist and author for his works of modern legal drama. The media has coined him as one of the best novel authors even alive in the 21st century.
Henry Ford's first two automobile companies failed. That did not stop him from incorporating Ford Motor Company and being the first to apply assembly line manufacturing to the production of affordable automobiles in the world. He not only revolutionized industrial production in the United States and Europe, but also had such influence over the 20th century economy and society. His combination of mass production, high wages and low prices to consumers has initiated a management school known as "Fordism". He became one of the three most famous and richest men in the world during his time.
Soichiro Honda was turned down by Toyota Motor Corporation during a job interview as "engineer" after World War Two. He continued to be jobless until his neighbours starting buying his "home-made scooters". Subsequently, he set out on his own to start his own company. Honda. Today, the Company has grown to become the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer and one of the most profitable automakers - beating giant automaker such as GM and Chrysler. With a global network of 437 subsidiaries, Honda develops, manufactures and markets a wide variety of products ranging from small general-purpose engines and scooters to specialty sports cars.
Akio Morita, founder of giant electric household products, Sony Corporation, first product was an electric rice cooker, only sold 100 cookers (because it burned rice rather than cooking). Today, Sony generates US$66 billion in revenue and ranked as the world's 6th largest electronic and electrical company.
ATTRACTION.. ... the act of associating horniness with a particular person.
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT..... what occurs when two extremely horny, but not entirely choosy people meet.
DATING..... the process of spending enormous amounts of money, time and energy to get better acquainted with a person whom you don't especially like in the present and will learn to like a lot less in the future.
BIRTH CONTROL..... avoiding pregnancy through such tactics as swallowing special pills, inserting a diaphragm, using a condom, and dating repulsive men.
EASY..... a term used to describe a woman who has the sexual morals of a man.
EYE CONTACT..... a method utilized by one person to indicate that they are interested in another. Despite being advised to do so, many men have difficulty looking a woman directly in the eyes, not necessarily due to shyness, but usually due to the fact that a woman's eyes are not located in her chest.
FRIEND..... a person in your acquaintance who has some flaw which makes sleeping with him/her totally unappealing.
INDIFFERENCE. .... a woman's feeling towards a man, which is interpreted by the man to be "playing hard to get".
INTERESTING. .... a word a man uses to describe a woman who lets him do all the talking.
IRRITATING HABIT..... what the endearing little qualities that initially attract two people to each other turn into after a few months together.
LAW OF RELATIVITY.. ... how attractive a given person appears to be is directly proportionate to how unattractive your date is.
NYMPHOMANIAC. .... a man's term for a woman who wants to have sex more often than he does.
SOBER..... condition in which it is almost impossible to fall in love.
Catatan Insiden di Ratu Plaza
Ken Yunita - detikcom
Jakarta - 25 Karyawan Carrefour Ratu Plaza terpaksa dirawat di RS Pusat Pertamina karena pusing dan lemas. Peristiwa semacam ini sudah sering terjadi di pusat perbelanjaan yang berada di Jalan Jenderal Sudirman itu. Sejak tahun 2002, insiden Minggu 4 Mei 2008 adalah yang kelima kalinya.
Berdasarkan catatan detikcom, peristiwa serupa pernah terjadi pada 22 November 2002. Saat itu, puluhan karyawan dan pengunjung Carrefour terkulai lemas. Tak hanya itu, mata mereka juga terasa pedih.
Selang kurang lebih sebulan, pada 23 Desember 2002 peristiwa seperti itu kembali terjadi. Beberapa karyawan Carrefour pingsan sesaat setelah listrik di Ratu Plaza mati. Korban pun dilarikan ke RS Pusat Pertamina.
Lama setelah peristiwa itu, kejadian kembali terulang. 1 Mei 2007, 120 orang keracunan gas CO2 dan terpaksa dirawat di RS Pusat Pertamina.
6 November 2007, 50 karyawan dan security yang bekerja di basement I, pusat pertokoan Carrefour, Ratu Plaza kembali dilarikan ke RS Pusat Pertamina karena pusing-pusing. Diduga kuat penyebabnya karena keracunan CO (carbon monoksida) yang keluar dari mobil yang diparkir di lantai dasar I tersebut.
Sebulan kemudian, 11 Desember 2007, 19 karyawan Carrefour kembali menjadi korban. Mereka mengalami mual-mual dan sesak nafas. ( ken / ken )
Ancelotti Puas Dua Kali
Milan - Menundukkan Inter Milan selalu mendatangkan kepuasan besar buat Carlo Ancelotti. Malam ini rasa tersebut datang berkali lipat karena AC Milan juga masuk zona Liga Champions.
Di San Siro, Minggu (4/5/2008), Milan keluar sebagai pemenang derby Della Madoninna setelah dua gol dari Filippo Inzaghi dan Kaka hanya bisa dibalas oleh Ricardo Cruz. Kemenangan yang mengantar Rossoneri duduk di posisi empat klasemen dan berada di pole position merebut tiket terakhir Liga Champion menyusul kekelahan 1-2 Fiorentina atas Cagliari.
"Kami memberi hadiah indah pada kami sendiri untuk kembali ke posisi menuju Liga Champions," ungkap Ancelotti usai pertandingan seperti diberitakan Goal.
Soal kemenangannya atas Inter, Carletto menyebut hasil tersebut tak lepas dari strategi Nerazzurri yang justru bermain hati-hati di awal laga. Itu disebutnya membuat Milan mampu mengembangkan permainan dan menekan pasukan Roberto Mancini.
"Inter memulai pertandingan dengan berhati-hati. Ini menguntungkan kami karena kami memiliki kesempatan untuk membangun permainan dan memberi ruang buat Alessandro Nesta dan Massimo Ambrosini," lanjut pelatih yang sudah tujuh musim membesut Milan itu.
Soal sulitnya Milan menembus zona Liga Champions, Ancelotti menyayangkan banyaknya cedera yang mendatangi skuad Milan. Jika kondisi pemainnya fit, pelatih 48 tahun itu sangat yakin perjalanan timnya akan jauh berbeda.
"Saya pikir tahun ini kami harus membayar mahal cedera yang mendatangi Inzaghi, Kaka, Ronaldo dan Pato. Jangan lupakan kalau Pippo sempat absen tiga bulan. Anda bisa melihat perbedaan saat (Inzaghi) kondisi baik dan dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukan," pungkas Ancelotti.
Dengan dua laga tersisa dan cuma unggul satu poin atas La Viola, posisi Milan masih jauh dari aman. Apalagi pada dua pertandingan pamungkas mereka menghadapi lawan yang berpotensi menyulitkan saat harus bertandang ke Napoli dan menjamu Udinese. (din/krs)
Murcia Susul Levante ke Divisi Dua
Madrid - Setelah Levante, Real Murcia menjadi tim berikutnya yang terdegradasi setelah di jornada ke-35 takluk 3-2 dari tuan rumah Racing Santander.
Dengan koleksi 30 angka, tertinggal 10 poin dari Recreativo Huelva yang menempati posisi ke-18, sementara musim kompetisi tinggal menyisakan tiga laga lagi, Murcia tak akan bisa mengejar atau bahkan melewati poin kontestan Primera Division lainnya.
Sementara bagi Santander, kemenangan tersebut membuka peluang untuk bisa berlaga di Liga Champions musim depan. Tambahan tiga poin membuat perolehan angka Santander kini menjadi 56 poin, berjarak dua angka dari Atletico Madrid yang menempati batas akhir zona Champions.
Tertinggal oleh gol Dani Aquino di menit 13 dan Ivan Alonso di menit 28, Santander baru bisa membalas melalui gol bunuh diri David Coz di menit 36. Baru di paruh kedua tendangan Jorge Lopez dan Pedro Munitis mengubah kedudukan menjadi 3-2 untuk Santander. Petaka Murcia makin lengkap setelah Alvaro Mejia dan Stephane Pignol dikartu merah ketika pertandingan menyisakan waktu 10 menit.
Munculnya kartu merah juga terjadi di Ciudad de Valencia, saat Levante bermain imbang 1-1 melawan Espanyol. Tak tanggung-tanggung, tiga kartu merah keluar dari saku wasit, dua untuk kubu Levante dan satu bagi Espanyol.
Sementara itu di El Madrigal, Villarreal memaksa Real Madrid untuk mencari jalan sendiri ke tangga juara La Liga setelah The Yellow Submarine mampu menggasak Getafe lewat dua gol Nihat Kahveci yang tak berbalas. Jika ingin menjadi juara, El Real wajib menaklukkan Osasuna di Estadio Reyno de Navarra.
Sevilla juga mengamankan tiga angka penuh usai menundukkan Valladolid 2-0. Renato mencetak dua gol di laga tersebut.
Daniel Guiza juga menjadi pahlawan bagi Mallorca dengan dua golnya saat menaklukkan tuan rumah Atletico Bilbao 2-1. Satu-satunya gol Bilbao dibukukan Fernando Llorente ketika pertandingan belum genap berjalan 10 menit. Adapun Almeria bermain imbang 1-1 kala menjamu Real Betis.
Bayern Juara Bundesliga
Wolfsburg - Bayern Munich memastikan diri menjadi kampiun Bundesliga 2007/2008 meski hanya bermain imbang tanpa gol saat dijamu Wolfsburg, Minggu (4/5/2008).
Tambahan satu angka menjadikan koleksi poin Bayern menjadi 67 poin. Dengan musim kompetisi yang tinggal menyisakan tiga laga lagi, Bayern kini tak lagi terkejar oleh pesaing terdekatnya Werder Bremen mengingat selisih poin kedua tim adalah 10 angka.
Gelar tersebut menjadi titel domestik ke-21 Bayern selama ikut ambil bagian di kompetisi domestik Bundesliga. Bayern juga sukses mengawinkan dua gelar domestik, dengan Piala Jerman yang didapatnya tiga pekan silam.
Prestasi Bayern ini terbilang cukup fantastis. Catat saja, The Bavarian tiga kali mengawinkan dua gelar domestik hanya dalam empat tahun.
Setelah kompetisi berebut posisi juara berakhir, kini persaingan terfokus pada perebutan dua tiket ke Liga Champions. Bremen dan Schalke 04, sebagai tim yang menghuni zona Eropa, masih sangat mungkin tergeser oleh Stuttgart dan Hamburg SV.
Sementara Bayer Leverkusen gagal mengambil lagi tempatnya di posisi empat setelah takluk 3-2 dari Duisburg. Dengan demikian Leverkusen tetap berada di posisi enam dan sepertinya harus rela keluar dari perebutan tiket ke Liga Champions.
Mennaseh Ishiaku mencetak dua gol bagi Duisburg di laga ini sebelum bisa disamakan Lieg Sinkiewich dan Tranquillo. Namun Barnetta Blagoy Georgiev memastikan kemenangan tim tuan rumah di MSV Stadium lewat golnya di masa injury time.
Dengan tambahan tiga angka, Duisburg kini mengoleksi 29 poin dan menjauh dari dasar klasemen. Jika bisa terus memetik kemenangan di tiga laga sisa, Duisburg diyakini bakal bertahan dan ikut ambil bagian di kompetisi divisi utama Bundesliga musim depan.
Susunan pemain:
Wolfsburg: Benaglio - Baier, Ricardo Costa, Simunek, Schafer - Riether, Gentner (Krzynowek 61), Hasebe – Marcelinho (Ljuboja 75) – Dzeko (Dejagah 61), Grafite
Bayern Munich: Rensing - Sagnol, van Buyten (Breno 73), Demichelis, Jansen (Lell 46) - van Bommel, Ottl - Sosa, Schweinsteiger (Kroos 63) - Toni, Podolski
Monday, May 5, 2008
Harta Hamid Awaludin Naik Dua Kali
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