Monday, November 24, 2008

Building Self Confidence

Brigette Meier

Several similar terms describe the central attribute of a character that decides on the strength of personality and the degree of inner freedom:

"self assurance" describes mostly the behaviour. Counterparts are insecure behaviour or shyness.
"self confidence" is the mental and emotional state that causes the outer appearance.
"charisma" is the effect that those have on others.
Self confidence doesn't mean being perfect or presenting oneself in a perfect way, but realizing and accepting own strengths and weaknesses, using strengths to reach aims and considering weaknesses as challenges, not insurmountable limits.

It can be observed that some children are by nature more actively exploring their environment than others. So possibly self confidence has a genetic foundation.

Still, all experiences that include social interaction, with parents, relatives, friends and classmates, influence the development of self esteem. Appreciation has a positive, rejection a negative effect. But unfortunately, it's not that easy.

False or fake appreciation can often be observed with parents and relatives. For example the adoration of even the smallest output of infant creativity, like crude drawings, and other approvals of a child's intelligence and appearance can lead to a situation of over-confidence. Undeserved rejection, on the other hand, like punishing or disregarding a child out of an own bad mood, will confuse it and create insecurity.

Over-confidence, or the belief in own abilities and performance that are not real, can lead to arrogance. This can either turn into insecurity, if the person later realizes the truth, or it turns into an inconsiderate behaviour, which also isn't making life easier. Insecurity or shyness are very common burdens and they tend to create a lot of problems. Aside from lacking social and personal success, the constant fear of the own inferiority creates barriers that are hard to overcome.

So what's the secret of how to give a child a healthy self-confidence?

- Be realistic with appreciation. If you feel you should commend your child for something, consider what would be the ability at its age and then evaluate the outcome. If it deserves appreciation, give it. If you have the feeling that your child is putting to much effort in getting your attention, try to get it back down to reality carefully. Love and appreciation shouldn't be goods that can be bought.

- Don't criticize or reject your child out of a bad mood. If you come home after a stressful day and your kid comes up with a picture, show some interest - it might mean a lot more to it than you think.

- Keep an eye on the influence your child is receiving from its friends. But if you have a bad feeling, try to talk to your child before you call the offender's parents and ask for a restraining order.

- Don't do things for your child if it's afraid of something. It might be hard sometimes, but how should it learn to be independent if it can always hide behind its parents? Later on, it will lack the confidence that comes from the experience of having to do things on its own.

- Always be there to give advice if required. There's a whole new world of complex social systems out there, and it's easy to get lost. Remember when you were a child… probably you can learn a lot from that.


Ada resiko yang tidak bisa kita hindari jika kita melangkah, tetapi akan lebih
beresiko lagi kalau kita tidak melangkah kemanapun (Peter Drucker)

Rasa takut terhadap kekuatan yang tidak Anda ketahui, adalah ketakutan
yang paling menakutkan, karena bisa membunuh kreatifitas yang bersumber
dari rasa ingin tahu. (Dr. Nirvikar Dahiya)

Jangan jadikan kesibukan sebagai alasan untuk meninggalkan kebiasaan
mengembangkan diri (Stephen R. Covey)

Saya merasakan bahwa semakin giat saya bekerja,semakin banyak
keberuntungan yagn saya miliki (Thomas Jefferson)

Moratti tentang Mourinho
Sama atau Lebih

Ketika Jose Mourinho ditunjuk sebagai pengganti Roberto Mancini, pembandingan kedua pelatih pun tak terelakkan. Pemilik Inter, Massimo Moratti, tak mau ambil pusing dengan pembandingan itu.

“Komparasi itu tak mengganggu saya. Keduanya punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Namun, semoga ini menambah motivasi Mourinho untuk meraih hasil yang sama atau bahkan lebih baik daripada Mancini,” ucap sang supremo.

Ya, ketimbang kritik prematur, Moratti memilih melihat lebih dulu bagaimana kiprah eks manajer Chelsea itu di tubuh I Nerazzurri. Kebebasan penuh mengatur tim pun diberikan Moratti pada The Special One.

“Mourinho bebas membuat keputusan. Saya menghormati idenya tentang permainan ini dan keyakinannya bahwa pemain seharusnya mengekspresikan diri di lapangan,” tutur Moratti.

Karena itu, ketika Jose memberi hukuman kepada para pemain yang tak disiplin, sang presiden mendukung penuh. “Masalah pemain dan pelatih biasa terjadi, tapi bukan berarti saya harus mencampurinya dari atas.”

Kebebasan untuk manajemen ini menjadi evolusi seorang Moratti. Di awal kiprahnya, pebisnis minyak bumi ini kerap mencampuri urusan tim. Sejak era Mancio, interferensi itu semakin kecil.

Namun, keleluasaan itu toh berkonsekuensi besar. Sikapnya mengayomi Inter, terbukti dengan gelontoran 600 juta euro di bursa transfer sejak naik menjadi orang nomor satu pada 1996, meminta tanggung jawab besar pelatih.

Hingga kini, Inter sudah sembilan kali berganti pelatih. Jika Mourinho tak bisa menyamai Mancio, pintu keluar akan dibuka lebar-lebar. (chrs)

Vid :

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