Monday, May 26, 2008

Some very good and Very bad things

« on: May 15, 2008, 07:14:43 AM »

The most destructive habit....... ......... ......Worry

The greatest Joy......... ......... ......... ....Giving

The greatest loss........ ........Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work........ .......Helping others

The ugliest personality trait....... ......Selfishness

The most endangered species..... ....Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.... ......... ..Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm"........ ..Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome.... ......... ....Fear

The most effective sleeping pill........ Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease..... .......Excuses

The most powerful force in life........ ......... .Love

The most dangerous pariah...... ......... ...A gossiper

The world's most incredible computer.... ....The brain

The worst thing to be without..... ......... ..... Hope

The deadliest weapon...... ......... ........The tongue

The two most power-filled words....... ........" I Can"

The greatest asset....... ......... ......... .....Faith

The most worthless emotion..... ......... ....Self- pity

The most beautiful attire...... ......... .......Smile!

The most prized possession.. ......... .....Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication. . ....Prayer

The most contagious spirit...... ......... ..Enthusiasm

The most important thing in life........ ......... ..GOD

Everything Happens For The Good
« on: May 14, 2008, 02:13:01 PM »

There was once a King who had a wise advisor. The advisor followed the King everywhere, and his favorite advice was, “Everything happens for the good”. One day the King went hunting and had a little accident. He shot an arrow at his own foot and was injured. He asked the advisor what he thought about the accident, to which the advisor replied, “Everything happens for the good”. This time the King was really upset and ordered for his advisor to be put in prison. The King asked his advisor, “Now, what do you think?” The advisor again replied, “Everything happens for the good”. So the advisor remained in prison.

The King later went on a hunting trip, this time without the advisor. The King was then captured by some cannibals. He was taken to the cannibals' camp where he was to be the evening meal for the cannibals. Before putting him into the cooking pot he was thoroughly inspected. The cannibals saw the wound on the King’s foot and decided to throw him back into the jungle. According to the cannibals' tradition, they would not eat anything that was imperfect. As a result the King was spared. The King suddenly realized what his advisor said was true. The advisor also escaped death because had he not been in prison, he would have followed the King on the hunting trip, and would have ended up in the cooking pot.

It is true that everything in life happens for a purpose, and always for our own good. If you think about it, all our past experiences actually happened to bring us to where we are today, and it is always for the good. All the past experiences makes us a better person. So, whatever challenges that we may face today, consider it happening to bring us to the next level.

Beautiful Rules Of Life
« on: May 14, 2008, 12:32:33 PM »

1.Listening is just as important as talking

2.When it comes to bonding,females do it better

3.Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets

4.Good times are even better when they are shared

5.The only way to have a friend is to be one

6.Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on

It seems so unbelievable
That in such a short time.
You weaved your magic
Right into my mind.

It seems so amazing
Even though we're apart.
You've closed the distance
And came into my heart.

It seems so unreal
But like a hot, amber coal.
You've reached deep inside
And went straight to my soul.

You've awaken my feelings
As love was taking its toll.
But now you've touched
My mind, my heart, my soul.

Love is patient with a life
That brings its share of pain.
We know sometime there is an end
To the most stubborn rain.

We know the sun comes out again
On a world that's fresh and new,
And all the gifts we freely give
Somewhere, sometime accrue.

We know sometimes we have to wait
For life to come around,
And sometimes that it won't, but still
There's some good to be found.

And even when things happen that
Your soul can hardly bear,
Know that I'll be next to you;
My love is always there.

Sepatu 'Baru' untuk Drogba dan CR7

Moscow - Dua pemain paling subur di final Liga Champions, Didier Drogba dan Cristiano Ronaldo akan tampil beda dari rekan-rekannya. Keduanya akan memakai sepatu berbahan serat karbon pertama di dunia.

Sepatu baru yang akan diguanakan dua seteru itu tak ada kaitannya langsung dengan final Liga Champions. Drogba dan CR7 mendapat sepatu yang disebut-sebut berteknologi tinggi itu dari sponsor mereka, Nike.

"Mercurial SL" (Super Lights) demikian Nike memberi melabeli produk yang hampir seluruh bagiannya terbuat dari serat karbon itu. Sesuai namanya "Super Lights" alias super ringan, sepatu tersebut diklaim sebagai yang paling ringan yang pernah diproduksi dengan bobot hanya 180 gram.

Kalau cuma Ronaldo dan Drogba yang dapat kesempatan merasakan sepatu khusus tersebut, itu mungkin karena keduanya sempat membintangi video promosi versi terdahulu dari sepatu tersebut.

"Kecepatan dan akselerasi sangat penting dalam permainan saya, satu detik bisa sangat menentukan kemenangan atau kekalahan yang didapat di final Liga Champions. Sepatu Mercurial SL ini didesain untuk memberikan level kecepatan yang lebih tinggi," ungkap Ronaldo seperti dineritakan Dailymail.

Oleh Nike, sepatu yang baru akan dirilis pada 16 Juli mendatang akan dihargai 249,99 pounsterling (sekitar Rp 4,5 juta).

"Mercurial SL yang baru ini memberikan definisi lain terhadap makna sepatu bola - saya tak pernah melihat yang seperti ini sebelumnya dan saya sangat antusias menjadi salah satu pemain yang memakai sepatu ini di final Liga Champions," timpal Drogba. ( din / roz )

Drogba: Saya Mungkin Bertahan

Moscow - Jelang laga krusial menghadapi Manchester United, angin segar berhembus ke kubu Chelsea menyusul pernyataan Didier Drogba yang membuka peluang bertahan di Stamford Bridge.

Sudah sejak akhir tahun lalu, atau sejak Jose Mourinho angkat kaki dari Chelsea, Drogba menyatakan keinginannya untuk hijrah dari klub London itu. Belakangan dia erat dikaitkan dengan AC Milan menyusul pernyataan dalam biografi yang dimuat tabloid The Sun.

Namun Avram Grant, skuad Chelsea dan seluruh fans The Blues sekarang bisa sedikit menghapus kekhawatiran akan hilangnya striker terbaik yang mereka miliki saat ini. Di sela-sela persiapan menghadapi MU di final Liga Champions, penyerang Pantai Gading itu memberi indikasi akan melanjutkan karirnya di Stemfor Bridge.

"Setiap orang menyebut saya (pergi) jauh dari Chelsea, tapi bagaimana jika saya memilih bertahan? Saya tidak sekeras kepala dan tidak setegas beberapa bulan lalu," ungkapnya pada TheSun.

Makin menguatkan indikasi akan bertahannya Drogba adalah keputusannya membeli rumah di Kota London. Apalagi seperti diakuinya sendiri, keluarganya juga sudah kerasan tinggal di kota itu.

"Keluarga saya merasa baik-baik saja di London begitu juga saya - saya baru saja membeli sebuah rumah yang indah. Tak masalah kalau orang berpikir saya tak tahu apa yang saya inginkan. Ini karir saya, bukan mereka," pungkas Drogba. ( din / ian )

Cedera Engkel, Cole Tak Main di Final?

Moskow - Akibat mengalami cedera engkel dalam sebuah sesi latihan, bek Chelsea, Ashley Cole, terancam tidak dimainkan pada laga final Liga Champions, Rabu (21/2/2008).

Kejadian tersebut berlangsung dalam sesi latihan The Blues yang berlangsung di Stadion Luzhniki beberapa saat lalu. Cole yang mencoba melakukan sebuah tekel kepada Claude Makelele ketika tengah berlatih one touch football malah tertimpa musibah.

Engkel kaki kanannya cedera dan ia sempat tergeletak beberapa saat di lapangan sebelum staff medis Chelsea menghampirinya. Kaki kanannya langsung dibebat dan ia pun meninggalkan lapangan untuk beberapa saat.

Bek kiri timnas Inggris itu memang kembali masuk ke lapangan untuk melanjutkan sesi latihan. Namun, ia terlihat tidak mampu bergerak bebas seperti sebelumnya dan terpaksa menyudahi sesi latihan tersebut lebih cepat dari rekan-rekannya.

Akibatnya peluang Cole untuk memperkuat Chelsea pada final Liga Champions pun sedikit terancam. Hingga kini belum ada kabar lebih lanjut mengenai cedera yang dialami oleh suami Cherryl Tweedy itu. Demikian seperti diberitakan Reuters. ( roz / din )

Koeman Menyesal Tangani Valencia

Amsterdam - Sudah hampir sebulan sejak Ronald Koeman kehilangan jabatannya sebagai pelatih Valencia. Ia pun kini mengakui bahwa menangani Los Ches adalah sebuah kesalahan.

Pelatih asal Belanda itu diturunkan dari jabatannya pada 22 April lalu, beberapa jam setelah Valencia menelan kekalahan 1-5 dari Athletic Bilbao. Meski berhasil mempersembahkan tropi Copa Del Rey, Koeman tetap dipecat mengingat buruknya performa David Villa cs ketika itu.

Pria berusia 45 tahun itu didaulat menjadi arsitek Valencia pada Oktober 2007. Ia meninggalkan jabatannya sebagai pelatih PSV Eindhoven untuk kemudian menggantikan posisi Quique Sanchez Flores. Koeman pun menyesal pernah menangani Valencia, meski beralasan bahwa posisinya di PSV ketika itu juga tidak aman.

"Saya menyesalinya. Tetapi jika saya tidak mengambilnya maka saya juga akan menyalahkan diri saya sendiri," tandasnya seperti dilansir Goal.

"Mereka (PSV) sudah bersiap untuk mendepak saya. Martin Jol ketika itu sudah siap untuk menggantikan saya. Bahkan Jan Reker (Managing Director PSV) pun malah bersikap tak mau tahu akan masalah itu," lanjutnya.

Kini pelatih yang semasa bermain menempati posisi sebagai sweeper itu memilih untuk menjauhi dunia kepelatihan untuk sementara waktu. Dirinya lebih memilih untuk istirahat dan berpikir masak-masak mengenai langkah selanjutnya yang akan ia ambil.

"Istirahat adalah sebuah hal yang saya butuhkan. Saya telah menjadi pelatih selama satu dekade dan saya butuh untuk menjauh sementara waktu. Saya akan banyak berpikir untuk menegembangkan diri saya dulu sebelum mengambil langkah selanjutnya," tukasnya. ( roz / ian )

Matrix 'Diselamatkan' Anak Sekolah

Milan - Marco Materazzi nyaris terlibat keributan dengan paparazi yang mengganggunya. Namun bek Inter Milan itu terhindar dari masalah lebih jauh karena kehadiran anak-anak sekolah.

Diberitakan La Gazzetta dello Sport seperti dikutip Channel4, insiden antara Matrix dengan paparzi itu terjadi di sebuah restoran di tengah Kota Milan. Ditemani istri dan anak perempuannya, Materazzi yang baru mengantar Inter merengkuh scudetto, tengah bersantai menikmati pizza.

Makan malam tersebut kemudian sedikit terganggu lantaran dari balik jendela seorang paparazi terus mengambil foto Matrix dan keluarganya. Bek tengah berusia 34 tahun itu pun langsung meminta sang fotografer untuk memberinya privasi.

"Kenapa Anda setidaknya menunggu hingga saya meninggalkan restoran (untuk mengambil foto)," ungkap Matrix saat itu.

Bukannya menyingkir, sang fotografer malah mengajukan pertanyaan yang membuat sang defender berang terkait aksinya menyerobot penalti Julio Cruz namun gagal menjadi gol dan tertundanya pesta scudetto Nerazzurri. Disinggung seperti itu Matrix dikabarkan langsung naik pitam, keduanya pun sempat saling mengeluarkan makian.

Namun suasan yang sudah memanas itu tak sampai berujung perkelahian atau baku hantam. Beberapa anak sekolah yang melintas di dekat lokasi kejadian menjadi penyelamat setelah mereka mendatangi Matrix dan meminta tanda tangan.

Jika tak ada anak-anak sekloah tersebut bukan tak mungkin perseteruan tersebut berujung masalah lain mengingat Materazzi memang terkenal punya tempramen tinggi.

'Ibracadabra', Dua Gol & Scudetto dalam 39 Menit

Jakarta - Hingga menit 51 pertandingan pekan terakhir Seri A, posisi Inter Milan untuk meraih scudetto masih di ujung tanduk. Namun hanya dalam 39 menit, Zlatan Ibrahimovic mengubah itu semua.

Hingga babak pertama pekan ke-38 Liga Italia, scudetto yang sudah lama berada di depan Inter mendadak lenyap. Bertandang ke Parma, Javier Zanetti cs tak mampu menjebol jala gawang tuan rumah, padahal pada pertandingan lain Mirko Vucinic membawa AS Roma mengungguli Catania.

Dengan kondisi tersebut Roma adalah kandidat kuat juara dengan poin 84, unggul satu angka atas Inter. Namun sepakbola adalah permainan 90 menit, dan Roberto Mancini tak mau membuang menit demi menit di babak kedua hingga akhirnya memasukkan Zlatan Ibrahimovic dan menarik Cesar saat waktu pertandingan menunjuk angka 51.

Zlatan memang baru pulih dari cedera yang sudah memaksanya tak merumput selama dua bulan. Tapi Mancini tahu benar kalau memasukkan striker Swedia itu bukanlah sebuah perjudian, melainkan jaminan akan makin tajamnya lini depan miliknya.

Benar saja, baru menyentuh bola di menit 62 Zlatan mampu membuat fans Inter bersorak kegirangan dengan gol yang dicetaknya. Tapi Zlatan tak puas hanya mencetak satu gol, lama tak bermain sama sekali tak menlunturkan naluri ganasnya mencetak gol.

Sebelas menit sebelum bubaran dia mencetak gol kedua, yang sekaligus memastikan Inter meraih hat-trick scudetto. Mendapat umpan dari Maicon, striker 26 tahun itu melepaskan tendangan voli yang merobek jala Parma.

Zlatan adalah salah satu transfer terbaik yang dilakukan Inter dalam beberapa musim terakhir. Si Biru Hitam pun layak bersyukur mendapatkan striker berjuluk 'Ibracadabra' tersebut lantaran keputusan bergabung dengan Inter didasari terdegradasinya Juventus (klub Zlatan sebelumnya) ke Seri B akibat skandal calciopoli.

Dasarnya striker jempolan, Zlatan tak perlu banyak waktu untuk beradaptasi dengan para gelandang Nerazzurri untuk menciptakan lini depan yang menakutkan. Pada tahun pertamanya bermukin di San Siro, 15 gol berhasil dia sumbangkan.

Grafik jumlah gol milik Zlatan meningkat musim ini. Meski dihadang cedera, hingga pekan terakhir Seri A sudah 20 gol dia cetak yang 15 di antaranya datang di ajang Liga Italia.

Menilik apa yang sudah ditorehkannya sepanjang dua musim ini dan usianya yang baru 26 tahun, masa depan Zlatan di Inter masih akan sangat menjanjikan. Memberi Inter hat-trick scudetto mungkin hanya awal dari gelar demi gelar lain yang akan diraih La Beneamata. ( din / krs )

Forex Trading Orders and Positions Information
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When you want to open a position you need to place an "entry" order. If and when the entry order executes, the position becomes "open" and starts its life on the market. At one point in time, you will place an "exit" order to "close" the position. A position can be "long" (entry order is to buy and exit order is to sell an instrument) or "short" (entry order is to sell and exit order is to buy an instrument).

At the point when you place your entry order, you need to define price level at which you want to buy or sell certain instrument. You also need to specify type of the order and quantity of the instrument you want to trade. There are 3 order types:

Market Order

Placing a market order means that you will buy at your broker's current "ask" (or "offer") price, or sell at your broker's current "bid" price, whatever that price currently is. For example, suppose you are buying EUR/USD. The current market, as quoted by your broker is 1.2934 / 1.2938. This means that your broker is willing to buy EUR/USD from you at 1.2934, and sell it to you at 1.2938.

Stop Order

Initiating a trade with a stop order means that you will only open a position if the market moves in the direction you are anticipating. For example, if USD/JPY is currently 108.72 and you believe it will move higher, you could place a stop order to buy at 108.82. This means that the order will only be executed if the market moves up to 108.82. The advantage is that if you are wrong and the market moves straight down, you will not have bought (because 108.82 will never have been reached). The disadvantage is that 108.82 is clearly a less attractive rate at which to buy than 108.72. Opening a position with a stop order is usually appropriate if you wish to trade only with strong market momentum in a particular direction.

Limit Order

A limit order is an order to buy below the current price, or sell above the current price. For example, if EUR/USD is trading at 1.2952 / 56 and you believe the market will rise, you could place a limit order to buy at 1.2945. If executed, this will give you a long position in EUR/USD at 1.2945, which is 11 pips better than if you had just bought EUR/USD with a market order. The disadvantage of the limit order is that if EUR/USD moves straight up from 1.2952 / 56, your limit at 1.2945 will never be filled and you will miss out on the profit opportunity even though your view on the direction of EUR/USD was correct. Opening a position with a limit order is usually appropriate if you believe that the market will remain in a range before moving in your anticipated direction, allowing the order to be filled first.

For both entry and exits orders you can specify price levels at which you want them to be executed. You have to specify entry levels when you place you entry order, while most brokers would allow you to specify exit levels at any time.

There are 83 secrets of success !

1. A tightly scheduled 12-hour day.
2. Have contacting goals.
3. Systematic communication.
4. Know your subject.
5. Learn from questions you are asked: Don't get caught twice.
6. Always have an active prospect list that you contact regularly.
7. Respond fast.
8. Keep your name in front of the customer.
9. Develop innovative strategies for yourself and your customers.
10. Impressive preparation.
11. Finding a niche.
12. Weekly targets.
13. Show people their strengths.
14. Use 80/20 rule.
15. Each day write down 2 things on the job you did that you enjoyed
or found satisfying.
16. React to problems promptly.
17. Honesty.
18. It's all or nothing for the customer.
19. Thorough planning.
20. Verify key points after meetings in writing.
21. Start meetings with a review.
22. Bring, show or discuss one positive they are not expecting.
23. Tried and true case studies.
24. Develop a system that allows you to find info in 15 seconds.
25. Respect deadlines on promises made.
26. Use flexibility to break into new markets.
27. Perfect your communication.
28. Mentally walk with them.
29. Put features and benefits into layers of pyramid and focus on best layer.
30. Mind-emptying excercises.
31. Structured follow-up
32. See how success works and copy, copy, copy.
33. Don't get tired of service.
34. Flair
35. Anticipate questions and know the answers.
36. Believe in your product.
37. Know exactly where you're going to start the next day.
38. Have high daily targets and when you achieve them--quit.
39. Set up definte rules to get over each hurdle and on to the next.
40. Know competitors products.
41. Create pride of ownership.
42. Have a structured selling answer to "What do you do? & a handout.
43. State your price as a benefit.
44. Answer, "What do you do?"
45. Spend 90% of your time either prospecting or on appointments.
46. Develop solid closing questions.
47. Know your product--shoot the answer.
48. List the benefits of your product.
49. Look as if you've operated the product all your life.
50 Full-scale mock-up. Prototype.
51. Be there when you're needed.
52. Never, ever forget one single thing you've promised to do, no matter how trivial it seems.
53. Respect the client for what he is and for what he has accomplished in life.
54. Verbalize respect.
55. Reliability, responsiveness, tangibles, assurance, empathy.
56. Know your case and their case.
57. Put enormous thought and energy into reconfiguring your world
so that when emergencies happen you have exactly what you need to do the job.
58. Know their history when you arrive.
59. Always know and communicate the next step.
60. 3 Steps: Previous, Current, Next.
61. Way of the gull: Work like hell and go after every scrap.
62. Leverage time and effort.
63. Analyze, measure, identify my selling, marketing, advertising and operations.
64. In a minute, describe what it is about your business that gives greater advantage, greater benefit, and greater result to your client.
65. How can I test one way against another?
66. What is my clear, accurate distinct vision of my business?
67. How many better, other additional ways could I be doing?
68. How can I get the highest and best use of my time and opportunity.
69. Who could recommend me?
70. What do my clients pre-do and post-do that I can leverage.
71. Do one good thing consistently well.
72. If something works, experiment with a copy.
73. Never create the same routine twice.
74. Trial and error but debrief.
75. Rise before dawn.
76. Be willing to be consumed by a task as long as it takes.
77. Practice the basics endlessly.
78. Your core investment must be in understanding your customers.
79. Stress high quality relationships
80. Be a perpetual prospecting machine.
81. Lose the no's.
82. Have a strategic plan and a relentless apllication of the plan.
83. Document everything. Always know what happened.

The objective of forex currency trading is to exchange one currency for another in the expectation that the market rate or price will change so that the currency you bought has increased its value relative to the one you sold. If you have bought a currency and the price appreciates in value, then you must sell the currency back in order to lock in the profit.

Let us assume that you open a long position by buying USD/JPY for 107.58 (quantity of 100000) and few hours after that, you close the position by selling USD/JPY for 107.74 (quantity of 100000). These two trades would bring you profit of (107.74 - 107.58) * 100000 = JPY 16000 (JPY is the counter or quote currency in the USD/JPY pair). You can than convert the profit to a currency you like, for example JPY 16000 = 16000 / 107.74 = USD 148.51.

We can also say that these two trades would bring you 16 "pips" profit. A "pip" is the smallest increment in any instrument. For asset types other than forex, the smallest increment is often called "tick". In EUR/USD one pip is 0.0001, in USD/JPY one pip is 0.01. Expressing position profits in pips is often very useful for quick calculations and estimates.

One pip, from the example above, would bring you 0.01 * 100000 = JPY 1000 profit, or JPY 1000 = 1000 / 107.74 = USD 9.28.

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